Monday, May 16, 2011

Lyons' Birthday Part 1

Saturday,  May 14th we celebrated Lyons' 2nd Birthday.  His actual birthday isn't until the 20th, but this was the best weekend for schedules! They celebrated his birthday at school on the 2nd because they said I must have left off the 0 (though that is debatable ). So, this poor child I'm sure is thoroughly confused, but loves all the attention!

We had an Elmo Birthday Brunch at our house with family and friends! We recently purchased an inflatable water slide and it was the hit of the party! We also used my parent's inflatable jump house, which was a lot of fun. We had a brunch because last year Lyons' Birthday party was so hot and miserable. So, I thought the earlier the better and maybe we would excape the heat. Well, we did! It was actually cool! A random mild weekend in New Orleans, the high Saturday was only 80, so at 10 am it was a little cool, bit the kids didn't mind one bit! Luckily we don't live far above sea level and our water pipes have warm water in the spring and summer!

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