Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, October 24, 2011

Goldman Reunion Finished

So, I have totally been neglecting the blog spot... it's a trend! Sorry, life is so busy! I wanted to finish up the Goldman Reunion post. The reunion was a ton of fun! I have some pictures to share. We realized several years ago that kids and showers don't go well together so we invented the "cabin tub" (storage container in the shower). Us Goldman's can be pretty creative! Thre are also some pics of the kids playing outside. THough I don't think I have many of all the kids. We also got the chance to go and see our friend Clark Richardson play his first professional golf tournament at the FedEx St. Jude. No phones allowed so only pre-tourney pics.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Goldman Reunion: special post, Mattie Anne's Bike

So, as Matt was reading the last blog post he thinks that I left out some important details pertaining to the bike.

As we were leaving LaPlace, Mattie Anne starts making sure we haven't forgotten anything (in her usual fashion ).  She specifically asks about her bike. We tell her it is. on top of the car. She proceeds to ask if it is buckled, which I answer yes. She asks 3 more times and after finally stating, yes the bike is buckled, she accepts the response. Though you can tell of her concern and unsureness of the bike having a buckle on top of the car.

Well, it was devastating when the bike's buckle broke! (Make sure to read part 2 of the Goldman reunnion)

After promising the purchase of a new bike (which we know won't end up being the $25 day-after-thanksgiving generic variety, Barbie has already been mentioned) she states that it needs to ride in the front seat!

No more on top of the car buckling for Mattie Anne's bike!

Will add a picture of the new bike soon!

Goldman Reunion Part 2: Not even there yet

I got off work at noon today, we were on the road by 2, my goal was 1:30 but can't complain!

Off to Jellystone! We have to make a stop in Brookhaven at my parents to drop of Mickelson (our dog, who will be camping out with my parents dogs while we are away) , then to Madison, MS drop of Carly (our cousin that stayed with us this week to help Matt with the kids! She's been great!), and finally to Jellystone!

Or at least that was the plan....

We did have our first stop in Brookhaven, though it was on the side of the road a few exits early as our stuff on top of the car was spilling into the interstate!

We had an ice chest, stroller, wagon, and Mattie Anne's bike all tied down and we made it fine for over 90 miles just fine...

But then the wagon came out into the middle of I 55, with that all the other stuff came tumbling off the side but still within the strap. We made it to the side of the interstate quickly and thank God there wasn't anyone behind us!

We had a nice state trooper that helped us out, a little glimpse of his car in a pic below.

The wagon survived, we think ....

The ice chest survived with surprisingly low spillage of food! A cool whip container with grilled chicken was sitting unharmed on the side of the road! I should have taken more pictures but prob not the best thing for my marriage!

The stroller made it out with the least damage!

But Mattie Anne's bike didn't make it! There is a picture below as well.

This happened at exit 38, we were able to get everything back into the car or re-tied to make it to exit 41 which is the exit my Mom works a mile from. There we (Matt) did a little more rearranging, dropped off a box with my mom and said a tear-filled farewell to the bike with promises to purchase a new one soon!

We then made it to my parent's house off of exit 48 where we successfully completed our first planned stop, resecured the top load with some loaners from my dad, got a bottle for Evans were back on the road!

Currently we are only a few miles from Carly's! We have added another planned stop for Wal-Mart before heading off to Jellystone, for a pink Barbie bike!

See some pics below of only our first few hours of Safley vacation!

Goldman Reunion Part 1: Background

Today is the start of the Goldman Reunion! Most people dread family reunions but they aren't Goldman's!

The Goldmans have been having the Goldman reunion since before my patents were married! Growing up it was always one of the highlights of summer! And now it is special getting to share the tradition with my husband and children.

Even more exciting is the new generation! In a little over 4 years we have added 15 children. Yes, 15 children 4 and under! It makes for some good memories!

You may wonder how in the world we all get together, well it isn't a small feat! For the past 4 years Jellystone Park in Pelahatchie, MS has been the place. It is a great park!  But it us all about the family! Guys play golf, the girls do crafts, and the kids play hard!

I'm sure there will be lots of great photos to come!

Mattie Anne Fashion Update

Here are some of Mattie Anne's recent choice of outfits. Again,  not sure what's best the outfits or the poses!