Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Pics

Mattie Anne, Lyons and I went to a great pumpkin patch in Hammond, LA! Mattie Anne loves animals!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Blackberry Updates

So, I think I have figured out how to post with my blackberry. I think this will really help with my updating- though I make no promises! I found out last week when I was awaiting a new phone to be sent from verizon, just how much I depend on my blackberry. They know this and the little scheme to give u a free blackberry total works bc you get addicted! Well, some may would have seen thier problem and made a goal to not be so dependent on their blackberry, but not me. I figured out how to move my apps to my sd card bc I was frustrated with the speed and have been greatly surprised the increased speed and therefore have found the necessity to download more apps! I should never get an i-phone all the apps would totally overwhelm me! Though in searching I was able to find some pretty good ones for blackberry- though none for blogger. But in my frustration I think I have found out how to post- if not I've wasted a lot of finger movements for nothing! For other smartphones users that like to follow blogs a great app is viigo- you can type in the address of the blogs that you follow and it notifies you of updates! How great! Well I'm going to submit this and hopefully it will work- if you are seeing it that is a good sign and hopefully a sign of more frequent posting! Hopefully I can figure out how to add pics- bc it seems that my blackberry is also my camera- I should really look into getting one with a better camera next time! How again did we live without smartphones?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Family Update

So, Most of you know by now but we are moving back South! I can't wait to be warm again! We love it in Kansas City but it will be really nice to be close to family! We will be moving to New Orleans in June, after Lyons is born. Matt matched his residency at LSU New Orleans campus. We were able to make a trip down the first of April and were able to find a house and we will close on it the end of May. So life the next 2 months is going to be a little crazy but always fun!

Matt is done with school now, so he has the job of packing up the house. I'm thinking I planned this pregnancy great, I'm almost completely getting out of packing. The almost part is the fact that my husband needs my mind a good bit to get tasks completed!

I'm doing well...33 weeks pregnant....AKA...Fat and tired... But I know it will all be worth it! Everything is winding down for me at work, or winding up however you want to twist it. I am transferring all of the studies that I'm currently doing over to their new owners so it is a process... I should be down to minimal work in a few weeks which will be nice with getting further along into the pregnancy.

Mattie Anne is doing great! She is sleeping in her "big girl" bed...AKA...a day bed turned against the wall. It is amazing how small she looks in such a big bed. She did really well and we haven't had to use the crib for a week now! Hopefully that will make the move better, we thought moving beds and houses and adding a brother would be way too much to handle!

Well, I think that is all for now! I'm going to start a post with Mattie Anne's words, a lot for my own benefit. She is getting very smart but I do see the attitude as we get closer to 2!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kansas City Zoo

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So, as everyone knows, cleaning is a constant chore... Now, more than ever before, it is a NEVER ending process! Mattie Anne can make such a big mess for such a little person! We began working with her and a couple of months ago we started to have a lot of success with picking toys up and throwing things in the trash. She will do anything for a "good girl" and clapping! It has become pretty convenient, especially when the trash can is in another room...Mattie Anne is more than willing to take it for you! She even thinks its fun! How Awesome! We are better parents than we ever thought we could be. So, since we had such a good response with picking up toys and throwing away trash we thought it was time for Mattie Anne to pick up some more responsibilities around the house...I mean what else are children for? See below for pictures of Mattie Anne doing her household chores...and before anyone calls child services...look at the expression on her face :)

Mattie Anne and Fin

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Leanne's Wedding Day Pics

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Christmas 2008 Pictures

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

10 months later...

So, I'm not so good at the blog thing anymore! Is has been 10 months since my last post... So, a lot has changed!

I'll start with the most interesting one of us...Mattie Anne! She is almost 1 1/2! She is talking up a storm, her favorite words are dog and kitty cat. I'm afraid she is going to bring every stray she sees when she is older...she loves animals!!! She started saying Jesus! It was such a blessing! Matt and I, when we put her to bed, read a book and then sing Jesus Loves Me (You). Last week when we were in the chair after we read the book she said Jesus and now she says it when she gets tired or it is bed time! How sweet! She also loves holding hands when we pray before meals, she has even reached out for our hands when we sat down! She won't say Amen though... I need to start a list of all the words she is saying...Maybe another post... She loves to dance, her version of dancing is spinning in circles. Last weekend it was actually in the 60s so we were able to go to the park! Mattie Anne loves slides! She even went down the big one that is like a tube that her daddy had to take her up to reach. She came out backwards, on her stomach, and giggling!

On to my wonderful husband! He is especially wonderful today because he got the day off from work and is doing laundry!!! Laundry is our worst downfall! We both hate it! So, Matt has put in his rank list and we will find out where we will match in the middle of March- less than 6 weeks away! Talk about your life being on hold! I can't wait to find out so we can start the mad rush to buy a house and move and fit all that around having a new baby! For those that don't know, he is applying for residencies in Pathology. He is interested in transfusion medicine, which would be a fellowship after the 4 year pathology residency.

So last but not least...Me! So, I'm pregnant for those that don't know. I'm 23 weeks. Everything is going great! I'm really busy at work with a new trial. PARTNER- percutaneous aortic valve replacements. The valve is inserted through the femoral artery (in the leg) up to the aortic valve in the heart and deployed. It prevents patients from having to have open heart surgery. It has been a wonderful trial to work on!

Well, I have tons of pics that I need to add. But I thought if I at least wrote something that would get me started! Hopefully I'll have pics soon!