Saturday, June 16, 2007

Baseball and a Flower Garden

So, Matt and I have been in our rental house for almost a year now. It has taken me that long to figure out that we really need some color! After an O.K. from our landlord we decided to plant a flower garden! Well, it just so happened to fall right at the same time Mom and Dad were coming to visit. Ha Ha! Daddy had fun, he had to keep telling himself that he was having fun, but he was! I hooked up the computer to play the State game so he was happy! To the right is our before picture...Before this black area had some old bark and mainly leaves in it. These other two pics our the rewards of our hard work! We planted Hydrangeas that will hopefully grow and cover the lower part of the house and that window to the basement. We also planted Gerber daises, and I think the total count of lost flowers was only 4 or 5. Matt and Daddy have a hard time remembering who broke which flowers. I do believe the day was a success! I feel much better with my new flower garden giving my little house some color!

After a day of planting we rewarded ourselves with going to a baseball game. The Royals were in town playing the Phillies. When going to a Kansas City Royals game you have to just go for the atmosphere because you may not see a good game, those are rare with the Royals. So, we went for the fun atmosphere of baseball on a Sunday afternoon. We had wonderful weather, a great breeze to keep us cool and a pretty mild summer temp. But to top it all off, the Royals won! It was actually a good game, 4 home-runs, 3 from the Royals! It was a good end to a wonderful weekend with my parents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are slacking on your posts. It is July 28th and this is you most recent post!!! :)
